During aroma massage, mixtures of different types of essential oils are used. Massage is carried out in the form of stroking, in the form of rubbing, pressure, vibration, carried out directly on the surface of the body. Relieves general tension, subcutaneous and deep muscle cramps, improves muscle activity and improves blood circulation.
The main indications:
Diseases of the spine and joints, chronic rheumatic diseases, circulatory and respiratory diseases, nervous disorders, conditions after serious injuries, stress, muscle fatigue.
The main contraindications:
All febrile, infectious and acute inflammatory processes, all oncological diseases, skin, purulent and fungal infections, impaired skin integrity at the massage site, varicose veins, edema at the site of application, progressive atherosclerosis and osteoporosis, pregnancy
Duration of the procedure: Total 45 minutes / Partial 15 minutes