Therapeutic gymnastics in the pool (Aqua aerobics)
Description of the procedure:
Water aerobics is used in rehabilitation after injuries and in osteoarthritis, studies show a decrease in pain and a slight increase in the mobility of the affected joints. Classes in the pool help strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, eliminate edema and stagnation in the tissues, improve the general condition of the musculoskeletal system.
The main indications:
Problems with the musculoskeletal system and posture, the period of rehabilitation after injuries, restoration of the body after an illness, excess weight, signs of cellulite, a previous stroke, pregnancy, restoration of the body and body after childbirth, varicose veins, edema, signs of aging of the skin and muscles, partial stress, depression, poor mood and sleep disturbances, weakened immunity.
The main contraindications:
Bronchial asthma, tendency to seizures, predisposition to heart attack, acute allergic diseases, osteochondrosis accompanied by nausea and dizziness, serious spinal injuries, skin diseases, individual intolerance to bleach.
Duration of the procedure:
20 minutes